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I GOT CAUGHT as a HACKER at PROJECT ZORGO MEETING! Escape Room Buying $10,000 Mystery Box Haul

After Chad Wild Clay made VY IS GONE So We Find Her Phone to Reveal Her Secrets at Hacker PZ9 Obstacle Course Park Challenge, Vy Qwaint created VY QWAINT LEAVES SPY NINJAS SAFE HOUSE! Fails Lie Detector Test Challenge Proving She's a Hacker!
and Daniel uploaded HACKER UNMASKED at Mysterious Obstacle Course Park while Exploring for PZ9 Project Zorgo Face Reveal to the Exposing Project Zorgo YouTube channel, CWC & Regina PZ4 find evidence Vy is trapped in a Project Zorgo headquarters escape room. There is also word of a mystery box game or challenge of some sort. What gadgets are inside after unboxing. Regina tries to rescue Vy after an epic haul run up the stairs to the meeting. Project Zorgo leader challenges the hackers to prove they are not one of the spy ninjas. If they win, they are released from the meeting. After the challenge, they discover spy ninja Vy Qwaint. Regina's undercover sneaking into a secret meeting to save Vy proves useful because she uses a spy gadget to hack the TV and help Vy Qwaint. Vy then donates $10,000 which buys her a mystery box filled with treasure. Thank you for watching my PG entertainment comedy videos in 2019!

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